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Mountains are climbed one step at a time.
With ARCO, it will be easier.

About us

ARCO (Association for the Research, and Cure of Urticaria) is an Italian  national organization founded by patients who suffer from urticaria in its diverse forms, particularly Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria (CSU)

Our association was founded to promote  research, improve treatment options, and raise awareness about this autoimmune disease.

We constantly collaborate with specialists and hospitals thoughout Italy. 

Join us!

Learn more about us, our mission, ongoing projects and how you can contribute to ARCO. 

Disseminate useful information to help patients  with urticaria find qualified and experienced specialists in hospitals nationwide.

Become the reference point for hospitals and specialists, fostering collaboration and promoting research and treatment for all forms of urticaria.

Contact us to learn more! 


macchia orticaria


Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria (CSU) is a non-allergic condition that causes hives and itching.

Distinguishing CSU from allergies is crucial for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

On this page, you can find more information about symptoms and causes related to  CSU.

Un'associazione è come una famiglia ti sostiene sempre.

Our association is like a family that always supports you.

Become a member

macchia orticaria

Join us!

Visit our website to learn how to become a member and participate in our initiatives:

  • Support research and treatment for urticaria.

  • Help improve the lives of patients with urticaria.

  • Become part of a community of people who share your experience. 

Become a member, together we can do more!

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